On This Date: September 29, 1960 – NWA United States Champion Nature Boy Buddy Rogers faced the challenge of 600lb behemoth Haystacks Calhoun at the Boston Arena in Boston, Massachusetts.
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Program for Nature Boy Buddy Rogers vs Giant Baba March 9, 1962 International Amphitheatre – Chicago, IL
Buddy and Baba packed the house for this NWA World Heavyweight Championship match which was won by the champ.
Baba was heavier and more solidly built here than when he got older and wrestled Sammartino years later. By the time he wrestled Sammartino he looked like a skinny “praying mantis.”
Posted by Michael Tereshko at Capitol Wrestling Fans on Facebook
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Nature Boy Buddy Rogers vs Killer Kowalski – Chicago 1960’s
The Nature Boy Buddy Rogers vs Wladek Killer Kowalski from Fred Kohler’s Chicago 1960’s Professional Wrestling TV Show
Dating from the 1960’s Fred Kohler’s TV program was filmed at the Marigold Arena. “The Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers takes on Wladek “Killer” Kowalski in an all time great 2 out of 3 falls match.
On This Day: September 20, 1961 – Nature Boy Buddy Rogers Defended NWA World Title Against Bruno Sammartino – Asbury Park, NJ
On This Day: September 20, 1961 – Nature Boy Buddy Rogers Defended NWA World Title Against Bruno Sammartino – Asbury Park, NJ
On this Date: September 20, 1961 – Nature Boy Buddy Rogers defended his National Wrestling Alliance Worlds Heavyweight Championship against Bruno Sammartino at the Asbury Park Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Though the actual result of this match is unknown, this Capitol Wresting Corporation card was one of the many title defenses Buddy made against Bruno Sammartino as NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion.
The undercard of include Roderigues and Olympica vs Bob Orton and Terror plus 3 more matches.
Credit: Twitter @SethHanson1982 for the news clipping.
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Inside Wrestling Magazine May 1969 Issue – Nature Boy Buddy Rogers vs Antonino Rocca
Inside Wrestling Magazine – May 1963 Antonino Rocca vs. Buddy Rogers February 17, 1963 – New York City
‘My Toughest Bout” Written and approved by Antonino Rocca
The one thing Buddy Rogers could not stand was to have an opponent twist and bend his legs. I learned that the first time I was in the ring with Rogers, and everytime I was in with him after that I centered my attack on his legs. The reason i call this particular match in NEW York with Buddy “the toughest I haver had” is because he was ready for me then as he had never been ready before. He had figured out a defens for his legs and he bugged me with it all night. Every time I even looked at his legs he took a step towards me and brought his knee up into my body. During that whole bout I was never able to touch his legs. Of course he was fooling me all the time, and I kept asking the referee to disqualify him. But the referee let him get away with it. When I got back to the dressing room my body was covered in lumps and every time I look a breath it felt like somebody was sticking a knife into me. This a bouth a want to forget.
Rogers was a master at choking opponents in such a way that the referee seldom caught him in the act. I spit blood for a whole month after this bout. I worked a lot on Buddy’s arms with the idea of neutralizing his attacks. The stragegy slowed him down only a little. I knew I had him when I raised him to my shoulders bounced him up and down a few times, spun around as fast as I could to make him dizzy, then slammed him to the mat just as hard as I could. The first fall was mine. You can see the condition Rogers was in after he hit the floor. I should have walked away with his title that night and I would have had it if it had not been for a referee whom I still say was blind.